Want To Design A Healthy Diet And Lifestyle
You Can ACTUALLY Stick To?

Have you Been...?

Here's Why What You've Been Doing Isn't Working

Which ones are keeping you stuck and feeling like a failure?

These challenges prevent you from sticking to your commitments to yourself. You end up worried that you’ll never be able to ditch your medications, reverse or prevent your chronic disease, get rid of your chronic pain, shed your excess weight, and get your life back so you can be there for your family.

On a scale of 1-10 how ready are you to be done with this?

Committing to a healthier lifestyle is a revolutionary decision. It’s a beautiful thing to do for yourself and your family. But, it can be hard to get there on your own when the world around you is headed in the opposite direction.

You are NOT a failure!!
I'm here to help you DISCOVER what ACTUALLY works for you!

It's Time To LIBERATE Your Mind, Body, Spirit & Unlock Your True Potential!

"I did not realize that I was putting so little focus on me."

You CAN Create The Whole & Healthy Life You Desire

You are not broken. You don’t need to be fixed.
You have what it takes to make this work.
You just need a little assistance to help you Find What Works For You!


Whole & Healthy

A Liberating and Transformative Journey

Go from overextended, exhausted and feeling controlled by your cravings and emotions...

...To showing up powerfully for yourself and making the changes you’ve needed to make for a long time.

For Women who are ready to TAKE CHARGE of their health and their lives.

By The End of This Program You Will...

Have the confidence, conviction, and resilience to stick to your healthy lifestyle, no matter what. When you’re Thriving Whole & Healthy you:

Get on the right track and build a healthy diet and lifestyle that fits you and your life.
Be all that you are meant to be! 

Take Charge Of Your Life And THRIVE - Whole & Healthy!

Today marks a new beginning of your life!

What could you do if you had the energy, focus and ability
to bring your special magic to the world?

"I'm excited about what is unfolding in my life."

We Focus On ALL of You - Mind, Body and Spirit!

Whole & Healthy Mind
Whole & Healthy Body
Whole & Healthy Spirit

Whole & Healthy Tools For Success

Design A Healthy Lifestyle You Can Actually Stick To

  • Mind Food: Master healthy  lifestyle skills so you can end your overwhelm and confusion about what to do to be healthy.
  • Power Food: Build real world navigations skills so you can stick to your commitments to yourself when you are surrounded by all the wrong choices.
  • Spirit Food: Connect to your inner power and purpose so you can spot and stop the self sabotaging behaviors that are throwing you off track.

Your Transformation Journey

Week One-Imagine

Imagine Yourself Whole & Healthy + Power Practices For Transformation

-> Your W&H Vision
-> Your W&H Journal
-> Creating Time For YOU!
-> Connect To Your Inner Healer
-> Embracing Your Inner Child

Create a clear vision for your Whole & Healthy life and discover tools for listening to your body, mind, and inner wisdom.

Week Two-Observe

Observe Where You Are Right NOW - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

-> Identifying Patterns
-> W&H Inventory
-> Choosing a Starting Focus
-> Uncovering False Beliefs
-> The Power Of Fasting

Get clear about your current health, lifestyle and experience. Then choose what to focus on first to move towards the life you desire.

Week Three-Uncover

Uncover The Internal and External Factors That Hinder Your Progress

-> Pinpointing Trouble Spots
-> Why Do You Struggle?
-> The Choices You Make
-> Banishing Shame
-> Friends And Family Audit

Identify what your roadblocks have been and what drives your choices. No shame allowed!

Week Four-Redesign

Rewrite Your Story - Fall In Love With YOU And Claim Your Whole & Healthy Self

-> Identifying Your Strengths
-> Growing New Beliefs
-> Meet Your Alter Ego
-> Planning For Potential Trouble
-> W&H Community

Break through your inner glass ceiling and establish a more positive and loving relationship with yourself and what is possible for you. 

Week Five-Learn

Identify Your Knowledge And Skills Gaps And Fill Them Up

-> Asking Empowering Questions
-> Exploring New Ideas
-> Embracing Mistakes
-> Skill Up-Your Study Plan
-> Accountability Partners

Take responsibility and take action to keep learning what you need to keep moving forward in your Whole & Healthy Life.

Week Six-Magic

Step Into Your Whole & Healthy, Bad-Ass POWER And Unleash Your Magic!

-> Making Powerful Choices
-> Building Your Power Team
-> Progress Check-Up
-> Plotting Your Next Steps
-> Celebrating Your Progress!

Time to celebrate! See how far you’ve come and create structures and a plan to bring your POWER and MAGIC to the world.

What's Included

The Framework To Transform Your Life

Includes: Six Modules, one released each week. Each module includes 5 short video lessons along with pdf power practices downloads, journal prompts and resources for you to put into action right away. ($600 value) 

Structured Path To Success Self Discovery Personal Growth Breaking Free of Old Patterns End Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Black Vegan Academy Courses

Get kitchen confidence to make  healthy, delicious food you enjoy, and techniques for THRIVING as a vegan in the real world, AND MORE! ($400 value)

Your Vegan Kitchen,
Healthy Gourmet,
Taking Time For Self Care,
Creating Vegan Menu Plans,
Making Vegan Work For You,
Beginners Guide To Being Vegan

One on One Coaching Add-on

VIP Access ALSO includes: Three (3) 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Ama (week 1, 3, 6). ($300 value)


Complete Program ALSO includes: Twelve (12) weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Ama. ($2,000 value)

Personalized Guidance Accountability
Focused Education

Total Value - $3000

Vibrant Health At Every Age - Priceless!

"The support I don't not have in my circles."

Start Your Whole & Healthy Journey Today!

the Clarity, Confidence and Commitment You Need
to Take Charge Of your Life & Step Into Your Power!

Basic Program

Self-Directed Course
$ 397
  • Six Week Core Program
  • Black Vegan Academy
  • Email Support
  • Access Does Not Expire
  • $1000 Value!
Course Only

VIP Access

Course + 3 Private Support Sessions
$ 697
  • Six Week Core Program
  • 3 Private Coaching Sessions
  • Black Vegan Academy
  • Email Support
  • Access Does Not Expire
  • $1300 Value!
Extra Support

Complete Program

Course + Full 3 Months 1-on-1 Support
$ 1997
  • Six Week Core Program
  • 3 Month (12 Sessions) Coaching
  • Black Vegan Academy
  • Email Support
  • Access Does Not Expire
  • $3000 Value!
Full Support

Where will you be in 5 years if you don't make this change?

"The insight to make the changes that are right for me."

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is for people who are willing to do the work and are committed to taking responsibility for their outcome. If that sounds like you and you’re ready to do what it takes to start THRIVING-WHOLE & HEALTHY then, Yes! It will work for you.

But YOU must do the work! If you put in a sincere effort, you will make progress. This program teaches you tools and practices that you can use for the rest of your life to keep you moving forward. 

If you’re looking for a magic pill, quick fix, or someone to “fix you,” this program is not the one for you.

While I do strongly advocate for a completely plant-based, whole food diet, and suggest you give it at least a two week trial, you are in charge of your own food and lifestyle choices. If you take this seriously and use the tools to listen to your body you will find the best way for you to live. 

Yes, for the VIP and Complete Programs only. VIP Access is available for 2 monthly payments of $367. Complete program is available for 3 monthly payments of $698. 

I’m sorry but no. Please be sure you are ready to take this journey. Or at least get started. Remember that you will always have access to the material and can jump back in and pick up where you left off. Or return to earlier lessons to go deeper.

You may find that you need to spend more time on some modules. This is completely fine. Trust your self to know when you are ready to move forward again. 

Each video lesson in the core Whole & Healthy program takes only 5-10 minutes. The journal and follow-up exercises will vary. I suggest you put aside 60-90 minutes each day. This is a good practice to establish so that once you have completed the program you (and your family) will be accustomed to your daily self care time. Continue to use it for nurturing yourself and what makes you feel your best.  

You’ll have ongoing access to all Black Vegan Academy existing and future courses for as long as this program is available. Come back as often as you need!

As your private coach I’m your personal support team to guide you through the program. My role is not to tell you what to do, it’s to partner with you to help you to look at the problems or obstacles you’ve been struggling with, with new eyes…and to discover effective, tailor made skills and solutions to build your sustainable, Whole & Healthy lifestyle.

VIP Access members will meet with me via video call three times during the 6 weeks for 90 minutes. 

Complete Program members will meet with me weekly for a total of twelve, 90-min video sessions. You must apply by scheduling a frees inquiry session to see insure we are a good fit and make sure coaching is right for you.

These are priceless life skills and a gift that will stay with you long after our coaching relationship ends. They will enable you to lose the excess weight, heal your chronic disease, get off your medications, have more energy and focus, and look and feel great!

About Ama Opare, BS, MA, MA

I’m a wholistic wellness guide, educator, vegan and raw vegan chef, cook book author, graphic designer and owner of Food For The Soul Global. 

I help Black Women map out their personal path to physical, spiritual, and mental wellness that fits who they are, so they can liberate their true, Whole & Healthy, powerful and beautiful self and bring their special, Magic to the world.

As an educator since 1980, I’ve developed many curriculum and supportive learning environments that focus on student centered learning. We each have the best answers for our own success within us. I served as Educational Director for 12 years at a Wholistic, Integrative, Wellness clinic, teaching and coaching patients how to incorporate healthy lifestyle practices into their lives and reverse their chronic disease. I bring this same passion to the Whole & Healthy program.

I’ve lived in Arusha, Tanzania since 2016 where I have found a life of peace and freedom.  It has been a Sankofa experience. Sankofa means to move forward by reaching back to pick up what we’ve left behind. There’s much we can learn from what our ancestors knew about how to live and stay healthy.

It’s time to reclaim your Whole and Healthy birthright! 

We are MEANT to be
Whole & Healthy and Powerful!

"It feels amazing to know I'm making the right decisions"

What will A Whole & Healthy YOU be able to do?

Start Your Whole & Healthy Journey Today!