10 Tips And Tools To Make Fresh Vegan Meals Faster And Easier

Just because you’re eating vegan doesn’t mean you’re eating healthy! If you are still eating processed and packaged food most of the time you aren’t getting the most out of your vegan diet. It’s time to go whole-food plant-based which means making fresh meals from fresh fruits and veggies.

Yes, it will take more time BUT the flavor and healthy benefits are worth it. To help you master the art of making vegan meals from scratch, in this video I share 10 tips and tools you can use to make your time in the kitchen easier. Tips like an easy way to mince garlic, how to peel ginger, thin slicing hard veggies and more.

These tips and tools will help you on your road to kitchen mastery. Kitchen Mastery is one of the Four Pillars of Success for creating a vegan lifestyle that you can sustain and thrive in.

If you’d like to learn more about the Four Pillars and find out about how I can help you master them all, so you can stop struggling and start thriving, schedule your free 60 minute session where we can talk privately about your goals and how having a private coach can reach them. Click here to reserve your time. 


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