Bungo Juice Blend

One of the best things we tried on our trip to Afrika was Bungo Juice in Zanzibar. Bungo fruit is a that grows on the rubber vine plant in Zanzibar, Madagascar and a few other islands in the Indian Ocean. I don’t think it is well known.

We were lucky to be at a beach front restaurant just as they were making a fresh batch of bungo juice. I was sure it was some sort of blend of fruit juices but it wasn’t. It is the juice of the bungo fruit. The fruit looks something like an orange on the outside but the peel is much thicker. The inside is nothing like an orange. More like mango pulp or something like that.

Bungo FruitThe juice has a flavor that is sort of a cross between a mango, a pineapple and an orange. The waiter brought us an empty bungo peel to see. Unfortunately they didn’t have any more of the whole fruit.

Since we are very unlikely to find bungo fruit or juice around here in the US I made a blend that approximates the flavor. I also made a bungo smoothie.

Here is the recipe. Play around with the lime or lemon content until you get the flavor you like. It should be somewhat tart.


  • 2 mangos
  • ½ pineapple
  • 4 oranges
  • 2 limes or lemons

Peel and juice the fruit. Strain it to remove fibers.

To make a bungo smoothie, peel the mangos and pineapple. Juice the oranges and limes/lemons.

Combine in your blender along with ¼ cup hemp seeds. Blend until smooth.

Add 2-3 cups ice. Blend again.


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