[Updated 30, Aug, 2021] I originally wrote this post in March 2020. Here we are now 18 months later. I thought it was time to revisit it and revise it. During this time, here in Tanzania, life has gone on as usual to a large extent. It has offered me an alternative view to the ongoing narrative of fear and helplessness. I’m not going to get into the debate about testing and vaccines. You probably have already made up your mind about that. What I am focusing on is activating your own natural healing superpower, something that rarely seems to be talked about by the “authorities” and mainstream media.
Most of the advice (and frankly) scare tactics that are widely promoted, seem to say you are at the mercy of whatever is “going around.” And while I am not discounting doing the common sense things you’ve heard you should do, washing your hands, covering your mouth when you cough, staying away from sick people, etc, today I’m talking about taking control of your health by activating your own healing superpower so you don’t have to live in fear.
Your body is an amazing healing machine. It has an incredible ability to heal itself. I still have a small scar from the time I jammed a knife into my hand just below my index finger trying to get the seed out of an avocado. Wasn’t a pretty site! Nana Kwaku taped it back together and bandaged me up real good. The whole experience inspired a Facebook post on knife safety!
Even though I still see traces of that incident 10 years later, my body miraculously mended itself, and stitched my hand back together.
Or how about that seasonal “crud” that goes around and lays you up for a week, coughing and sneezing? That “crud” caught me off guard May 2019 and reminded me that I wasn’t taking proper care of myself. I did a video about it on YouTube. Still, my body returned itself to its normal healthy condition once I listened to what it was telling me.
If you provide your body with the conditions it needs to run in optimal condition it can stay on top of preventing you from getting sick in the first place. Your magical body also has the ability to speed up your recovery and minimize the impact of the illness. But you must support your natural self healing capacity.
How can your turn on your natural healing superpower?
Knowing these secrets are what I call the Roots of Wellness. It has nothing to do with supplements or tinctures and everything to do with returning to your natural way of living. Many of us have strayed VERY far from this way of living.
Your Superpower Activators
These are the things that you need to do on a regular and ongoing basis to avoid catching whatever nasty bug is going around. And, if you DO get sick it will allow you to recover as quickly as possible.
Activator #1 – Eat healthy food, high in nutrients and antioxidants. That’s fresh fruits and veggies in abundance. It includes whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes. In other words a whole-foods, plant-based diet. Avoid all animal products. This in itself is a huge help. It addresses the so-called underlying conditions that make you more susceptible to all kinds of problems. Recent studies of the impact of diet during the pandemic show that people who eat plant-based have much better outcomes (why don’t we ever hear about that on the news?!) This is one of the most powerful of the Roots of Wellness.
Activator #2 – Drink plenty of fresh clean water. Drink enough to keep your urine almost colorless. Being well hydrated helps your body flush out toxins and your systems functioning properly. Conversely, avoid or reduce your consumption of alcohol, soda, and other unhealthy beverages.
Activator #3 – Get outside and get some sunshine on your skin. Not vitamin D pills. I’m talking going outside to get sun on your face and body. There are many benefits of getting outside as I outline in my second Roots of Wellness video.
Activator #4 – Get enough rest. Slow your roll from time to time. Sit your butt down. You don’t need to be going full speed ahead all the time. Take time to rest and sleep to allow your body to do it’s healing work. (This is the one I struggle with the most and what caused me to get sick back in 2019 as mentioned above.) The importance of getting rest is the topic of this Roots of Wellness Video.
Activator #5 – Be on purpose and doing the work that you are called to do. This can help you stay motivated to take care of yourself. It helps you keep your vibration high and positive.
Activator #6 – Do your spiritual work, whatever that means to you. Saying your prayers, meditation, talking (and listening) to your ancestors.
Activator #7 – Move your body every day. Yes, you need to rest. But you also need to get up and move. Go take a walk. Do some yoga. Exercise every day.
Activator #8 – Avoid toxins. The alcohol, the cigarettes, the caffeine, the recreational and prescription drugs, the sugar, etc., and as much as possible the toxins in your environment.
Activator # 9 – Say NO to the FEAR of COVID-19 by unplugging from the constant fear messages that are bombarding us 24/7. When Tanzania was reporting numbers the way the rest of the world does, my stress level was much higher. It was a huge relief when they stopped that. Fear is not healthy!
These are the basic Superpower Activators. By doing these things you will go a long way towards providing an environment in which your body can run optimally. To be able to do its best to heal and set up defenses to protect you from the local “crud”.
There is more you can and should do that will take you even further on your quest for optimal health. I talked about the importance of community in my third Roots Of Wellness video. I’ll be doing more of these videos over the next few months.
So yes, wash your hands, avoid contact with sick people, cover your mouth when you cough, stay home when you’re sick, to avoid falling prey to or spreading whatever is going around.
But more importantly, set yourself up for optimal health by activating your healing superpower. Then go ahead and enjoy your life. Because sickness doesn’t have to be a part of your life.
You are not helpless. There’s something you can do to take care of yourself and stop living in fear.
- BLAXIT! What To Do When You’re Ready To Leave The USA - 12/02/2024
- The Power Of Surrender: Unlocking Lifes Healing Wisdom - 10/13/2024
- The Wellness Rebellion! - 09/13/2024

I'm Ready To Help!
A wonderful post! My husband is an essential employee so he still has to go into the office. I’ve been making dandelion smoothies and serving up salad and extra vegetables at dinner.
We have 2 small children (2 & 5) so I have made my kitchen a place of wellness. One thing that has been encouraging during this time is that the produce section of the grocery story is still abundant! I’ve been getting fresh fruit, greens and herbs.
You are giving your family the gift of health! Congratulations Sophia
That’s great say mum! Hope I can join the retreat if possible.
This is good Ama
You’re a breadth of hope in a time of hopelessness
When people are scared stiff of Covid 19 you make is so simple.
Am greatly encouraged!
I will not be scared of Corona or any other Virus or bacterial infections. I will strengthen my defense system and do all it takes to boost my immunity. I can’t wait for Pamoja Live in November
Nice Maina! And we can’t wait for you to join us.