
Who Are The Black Vegetarians?

I have decided to participate again in VeganMoFo, the Vegan Month of Food. During this time bloggers from all around the world will post everyday (or as close to that as possible) about something vegan related. One part of my VeganMoFo-ing will be focused on who we are as Afrikan (Black) vegetarians. I have interviewed many better known black vegetarians. Now I want to add YOU! This way we will learn about the variety of Black Vegetarians from around the world.

Who Are The Black Vegetarians? Read More »

Is The “American Dream” Blocking Your Healthy Lifestyle?

I started to think about our so-called American Dream lifestyle that is really more of a Global Nightmare. I thought about those whose commitment to eating vegan or raw is not as intrenched or is nonexistent who make much less healthy choices then we do. For too many of us the fast food, restaurant, frozen food, eat mindlessly while driving or watching TV method of feeding ourselves is the norm. This Nightmare is impacting the health of people of Afrikan descent especially. It is leading us down the path of chronic disease, obesity, disability and early death.

Is The “American Dream” Blocking Your Healthy Lifestyle? Read More »