The Blog
Education and Inspiration For The Vegan Food Revolution

BLAXIT! What To Do When You’re Ready To Leave The USA
When I first moved here to Tanzania, there were very few of us, African Americans or African diaspora from around the world here. When COVID came, Tanzania was one of the few places that was open, and we saw an influx of people who were trying to get away from the COVID craziness around the

The Power Of Surrender: Unlocking Lifes Healing Wisdom
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned on my journey to becoming Whole & Healthy is the power of surrendering to the unfolding of my life. In this video I explore what surrendering looks like, what it takes to be able to surrender and why it’s important when you are making a change in your life.

The Wellness Rebellion!
The wellness rebellion taking back control of your health. What would it mean for you to fully trust in your ability to heal and thrive? In my last video, I talked about what I learned about health and wellness and about life living here in Tanzania for the last eight years. And in fact, I

What 8 Years In Tanzania Has Taught Me
This month it’s been eight years since I moved to Tanzania and here are the things that I’ve learned about me, about Tanzania, and about the world. It’s been an eye-opening, mind-opening, heart-opening, spirit-opening experience. July is a special month for me. Number one, it’s my birthday month. And number two, it’s also the month

The Power Of Reinventing Yourself, Your Health, And Your Life!
Is it that time? The kids have moved away from home. You’ve gotten a divorce, you’re ready for a job or career change. That job just isn’t doing it for you anymore. It’s time to retire. Or you have a health challenge and you’re ready to make a change, to reinvent yourself, to reinvent your

Try It For 1 Month / Jaribu Kwa Mwezi Mmoja: My Swahili Speech
In my last post I shared how I have been applying the 5 Pillars of Transformation to becoming a Swahili speaker. Today I’m sharing my “The Most Important Things To Do For Your Health” presentation that I gave at Kiswahili Day – in Swahili! Don’t worry there’s subtitles. This has been an incredible learning process.

Revolutionize Your Life: The 5 Pillars of Transformation
If you’re trying to make a change in your life, a change in your diet, a change in your lifestyle, a change in where you live, if you’re trying to become whole and healthy, to start a new job, whatever it is, here are five things that you’re going to need to consider and to

Yecenia Currie’s Secrets For A Sweet And Savory Life
I love sharing stories of Black Vegans from around the world. It’s been a while since I interviewed someone so I was thrilled to discover Yecenia Currie and have the opportunity to talk to her about her plant-based journey and her new cook book, Sweet & Savory Life. I also wanted to hear about her

Wellness Obsession? How to Find Balance and Joy On the Path To Being Healthy
When you are focused on being healthy it can be easy to slide into an obsession about your lifestyle and diet. This isn’t healthy either! How can we find BALANCE and Joy in our wellness journey? By obsession I mean you are worried about it all the time. Or you beat yourself up if you

6 Ways To Stick To Your New Year Resolutions
You think, okay, this year I’m going to get healthy. This year I’m going to lose that extra weight. This year I’m going to start exercising more. And then… what happens is that not too much longer, your plans fall apart. So why is that and what can we do about it? How can you

Healing Me First Podcast w/Chef Beee – Whole and Healthy a Journey of Self Love
Last year I was thrilled to get to chat with my friend Natasha Brewley a.k.a. Chef Beee about the healing journey of self love and acceptance for her Healing Me First podcast. It was a wonderful conversation. This week she published the episode on YouTube. In it I shared a bit about my personal healing

Handling Challenges When Transitioning to Plant-Based and Raw Food
Last week I joined Samantha Salman, Host of the upcoming Thrive Through Food Summit on YouTube where we discuss gas and bloating and other challenges that you might face when you are making the transition to a plant-based or raw food diet. Here’s the video replay. I’m excited share that I will also be with