Honoring and connecting to our Ancestors is an important tradition in many parts of Africa and amongst the African diaspora worldwide. We ARE our ancestors! In this Roots Of Wellness Part 5 video I explore how nurturing your connection to your ancestors can help you in your Whole & Healthy life. Wellness is more than just eating a healthy diet. We must nurture our whole selves, mind, body and spirit.
I feel the presence of my ancestors in my life all the time. I feel guided and surrounded by their energy and presence. I turn to them often for answers when I need direction. This allows me to relax, trust and surrender to the unfolding of my life. As I do so the people, experiences and healing I need to move forward Whole & Healthy appear and bring me forward, step by step towards wellness in all aspects of my life.
Last year I was reading a Thich That Hanh (may he rest in peace) book where he talked about our ancestors and how we are an extension of them. He shared a story about sitting on a mountain top looking out at the view. He had a realization that his ancestors were seeing this view for the first time through him. I realized then that by me moving to Tanzania I have brought my ancestors back to the continent!! That thought still moves me and gives me chills every time I reflect on it. In the video when I began talking about that the wind suddenly picked up as if the Ancestors were joining me in that moment.
My connection to my ancestors goes forward and backward. When I look at my grandson I see in him the ongoing flow of our family, our energy and the unfolding of what is to be. We ARE our Ancestors!
There are many different ways that people honor and bring their Ancestors into their lives. Across the African continent and wherever African people have lived we have brought the seed of our traditions with us. Many of us have been separated from the traditions of our Ancestors and do not know the path we should follow. But, each of us have a direct line to spirit and our ancestors. We need only ask and listen for guidance. We don’t have to follow a particular prescription for connecting to our Ancestors. They are always with us.
That said, you can begin to explore the practices and understandings of others as you build your own way of honoring and speaking and seeking guidance. There are many resources out there. There may be a spiritual community near you that you can connect with to begin to explore.
One of my favorite resources is the Ancestral Voices Youtube Channel. They have many, many interviews with experts and practitioners from across the globe. My favorite video is with Prof. James Small. You will be able to learn the similarities, and the differences, and the practices of the African people. And you will be able see these traditions without the negative, fear-based and racist attitudes that our spiritual traditions are often cast in. There’s a reason we have been taught that what is ours and can give us our true power and direction is evil. Do some real study and make up your own mind.
I recommend finding a Black owned book store to look for books to guide you. What you will find in mainstream bookstores may be limited. Pay attention to who the author is. I once bought a book I thought would be just what I needed, only to find out it was written by a white man. NOT what I had in mind! I have listed a few below.
This video was recorded at United African Alliance Community Center. A special thank you to Mama C for a wonderful afternoon with the Diaspora Community – https://www.uaacc.net
Check out my other Roots of Wellness Videos Here
Ancestral Voices YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/AncestralVoices – This channel has amazing interviews with experts from all over the globe. You will find many additional resource suggestions in their videos.
A Few Books – Take time to find others that resonate with you.
-> Finding Soul on the Path of Orisha https://amzn.to/3orfcbE
-> The Handbook of Yoruba Religious Concepts https://amzn.to/3oudvtW
-> The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient African Teachings in the Ways of Relationships by Sobonfu Some https://amzn.to/35E7rs6
-> Let the Circle Be Unbroken – Marimba Ani https://amzn.to/3L9zvnp
Now I’d love to hear from you. Do you feel the presence of your Ancestors in your life? How do you connect to them? What questions do you have?
And share resources you know of to help us all learn.
Much love to you!
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