Try It For 1 Month / Jaribu Kwa Mwezi Mmoja: My Swahili Speech

In my last post I shared how I have been applying the 5 Pillars of Transformation to becoming a Swahili speaker. Today I’m sharing my “The Most Important Things To Do For Your Health” presentation that I gave at Kiswahili Day – in Swahili! Don’t worry there’s subtitles.

This has been an incredible learning process. By stepping out of my comfort zone and into my fears, my language skills and my self confidence has taken a big leap. This truly is an important part of stepping into the future that you see for yourself. You just can’t get there if you don’t take the leap.

In my message I talk about how we have the power to create better health for ourselves. We are not helpless in the face of our genes, or our age, or bad luck. I offered the students three ways to test it out the power of diet and lifestyle for themselves. I don’t know if any of them will give it a try. I did however plant a seed.


Ama Opare

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