Vegan Snack and Extras Recipes

Veggie Herb Flax Crackers
I remember when I first started eating more raw food. I tried flax crackers several

Raw Banana Flax Crackers
I made these tasty Raw Banana Flax Crackers for two reasons. First because we had

Rawtella-Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
I have been thinking about rawtella for some time. I saw that a commercial rawtella (a

Samosa Potato Skins
I have been busy working on creating vegan finger foods to serve at my daughters

Eggplant Bacon
I recently receive several eggplants in our CSA box. I decided to use them to

Curried Onion Dip
Earlier this week I mentioned this recipe in my review of the book Raw Energy.

DIY Crushed Red Pepper
One of the joys and problems of growing a garden is that often your harvest

How To Grow Your Own Sprouts
Sprouts are a great way to add flavor and a nutrient packed live food to

Savory Kale Chips
This recipe is courtesy of member Reggie Jackson. It is a bit more involved than

Nacho Cheeze Kale Chips-Raw Vegan
These delicious raw vegan Nacho Cheeze kale chips will be gone before you know it!

Spiced Nuts
These tasty nuts can be made with whatever nuts you like. Try different spice combinations