DIY Crushed Red Pepper

One of the joys and problems of growing a garden is that often your harvest is larger than you can eat. Right now I have  an abundance of cayenne peppers in my garden. I decided to make my own crushed peppers or ground peppers.

Don’t have a garden? Look for find fresh organic hot peppers at the farmers market. You can use cayenne peppers or try different versions using habanero,  jalapeño, pablano, or your favorite hot peppers.

The Process

  • Wash your peppers thoroughly.
  • Cut the stem end off.
  • Lay peppers on a dehydrator tray or on a foil lined cookie sheet. Make sure peppers are not touching each other.
  • Dehydrate in your dehydrator at 125° until very dry and crispy. This may take a day or two.
  • Alternatively you can dry them in your oven at 175º until dry. Check frequently after the first 3 or 4 hours to be sure they don’t get toasted.
  • Once they are completely dry, crush the peppers with your fingers or a mortar and pestle until they reach your desired sizes pieces.
  • Or grind them in a grinder to make pepper powder.
  • Place your crushed our ground pepper in a clean empty spice jar.
  • Be sure to wash your hands after handling the peppers at each stage and to keep your hands away from your face and eyes to prevent burning or irritation from the pepper oils. 

Now you have an organic, fresh, un-irradiated ingredient ready to add a bit of heat to your favorite recipe.

Have you ever made your own dried spices and seasoning? Share your recipe!

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4 thoughts on “DIY Crushed Red Pepper”

  1. Thanks for this recipe. I’ve got some questions about equipment, since you mentioned a dehydrator. Is there a particular brand you recommend? How about canning equipment, food processors vs. a Vitamix and other tools and gadgets that you use when preparing and preserving raw foods? Thanks.

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