On a regular basis we interview Black/Afrikan vegans to hear their stories about how and why they became vegan. Click on an image to read their stories.

Healing With Fruit: Interview with DJ Mark Blake The Snake

Have you ever heard of a fruitarian? That’s someone who eats only or mostly fruit. But is it safe? In this interview with my friend DJ Mark Blake The Snake, he talks about his healing journey from disease to health through a vegan and eventually to a mostly fruitarian diet. Find out about his 30 Day

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Black Vegan – Jasmine C Leyva

I haven’t done an interview in quite some time and it’s time to get back to it! In this edition I talk to Jasmine C. Leyva who it the creator of a new documentary film called The Invisible Vegan which is due out early 2018. We met Jasmine in 2015 when she came to Atlanta

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Black Vegan Afya Ibomu

  Afya Ibomu B.S., CHHC is a Holistic Nutritionist, Author, Entrepreneur, Yogi, Vice President of YOJO CULTURE LLC, and has been plant based since 1990. Her third book the Vegan Soul Food Guide to the Galaxy, was nominated for an African American Literary Award for cookbook of the year. Afya is certified in Holistic Health and

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Black Vegan: Bryant Terry

Today I am pleased to share a recent interview I did with author Bryant Terry.  Bryant is: “A national leader in the movement to promote healthy eating, BRYANT TERRY is the author of The Inspired Vegan and the critically acclaimed Vegan Soul Kitchen. Along with Anna Lappe, Bryant co‐authored Grub, which the New York Times called “ingenious.”

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Naijha and Greg from Land of Kush

Black Vegans: Naijha Wright and Gregory Brown

When I put out my call in September for black owned vegetarian restaurants many of you responded. One place that came up several times was Land of Kush in Baltimore MD. For this installment of my interviews with Black Vegans I interview Naijha Wright and Gregory Brown the husband and wife team that owns and

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Queen Afua

Queen Afua and the Seven Kitchens of Consciousness

This is the third and final part of our three-part interview with the amazing Queen Afua. She has so much to share with us about healing and has been instrumental in helping thousands of women and men on their healing journey. In this segment she shares her recommendation for those wishing to transition to a

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Queen Afua

Interview with Queen Afua Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3 (or maybe 4?) part interview Nana Kwaku and I did with Queen Afua earlier this summer. Queen Afua is the author of many books including Heal Thyself and Sacred Women. In this segment she talks about why it is important for us as people of Afrikan descent to become vegetarian/vegan. In part

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Queen Afua

Black Vegetarian: Queen Afua Part 1

I am thrilled to be able to share a recent interview we did with Queen Afua, author of Heal Thyself and Sacred Women and many other books that have been powerful catalysts for change for many people. She had so much to share and I don’t want to leave anything out so this interview will

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Black Vegan: Charlotte O’Neal

This edition of our showcase of Black Vegetarians brings us Charlotte O’Neal. A long time vegetarian, she lives in Arusha, Tanzania in East Afrika. She is cofounder, along with her husband Pete, of the United African Alliance Community Center. We interviewed Charlotte during our stay there during our visit to Arusha in April 2014. Ama:

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Black Vegetarian: Queen Vida

Black Vegetarian Queen Vida will soon be featured as the chef at Sadiq’s Bistro, a vegan restaurant opening in Southwest Atlanta in the spring of 2014. Here is her inspiring story of becoming vegetarian, the power of the Creator, discovering an oilless diet, and making a difference in her native country of Ghana. Ama: Tell

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Black Vegetarian: Dr. Kirt Tyson

Recently Nana Kwaku and I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Kirt Tyson, NMD speak and to interview him. Dr. Tyson is the Chief Medical Officer at Balanced Health Medical Center. His research interests include Diabetes, cancer, and heart disease prevention and reversal. He is the author of the book “The Raw Truth: The Recipe for

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Black Vegetarian: Nana Kwaku Opare, MD, MPH, CA

Nana Kwaku Opare, MD, MPH, CA is a long time vegetarian, trained as a dietitian, and focuses in part on proper nutrition in his integrative medicine approach to healing. He regularly speaks about diet and lifestyle choices for natural healing. He is the author of The Rule Book And User Guide For Healthy Living, available

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Black Vegetarian: Aris LaTham

I had the pleasure of interviewing master raw chef, Dr. Aris LaTham of Sunfired Foods while he was here in Atlanta teaching about preparing living foods at Tassili’s Raw Reality. I have also included an excerpt from a video Nana Kwaku took during the interview.  Ama: Tell me how you came to be a raw

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Breeze Harper Sistah Vegan

Black Vegetarian: A. Breeze Harper

Meet A. Breeze Harper, author of the book Sistah Vegan: Black Vegans Speak on Food, Identity, Health and Society and a blog by the same name. Breeze shares her journey from fibroid tumors to health, her efforts to share what she has learned with her children, and her work studying how race and gender and

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Black Vegetarian: Vanya Francis

Meet Vanya Francis, yoga instructor and co-owner of Om Point Yoga, wellness coach, mompreneur, and mostly raw vegan. She offers great tips for parents, talks about wellness as a lifestyle and shares her advice for those transitioning to a vegetarian diet.  Ama: How long have you been a vegetarian and how did you get to

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By Any Greens Necessary by Black Vegan Tracye McQuirter

Black Vegan: Tracye McQuirter

Today’s interview is with black vegan Tracye McQuirter, a vegan trailblazer and public health nutrition expert, who was recently named a food hero by Vegetarian Times. Her national best-seller, By Any Greens Necessary, was the #1 vegan book on The Huffington Post. (Update: find out about her newest book, Ageless Vegan here.) Her website and blog is

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Black Vegetarian: Aba Bailey

Ama: How long have you been a vegetarian? Aba Bailey: I became a vegetarian in 73, so 40 years, when I moved down here from Detroit. Before that I ate everything. I got involved with a Pan-African organization and most of the people in that didn’t eat pork. They still ate some meat. Fish and

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15 thoughts on “Black Vegans Tell Their Story”

    1. Hey Pamela! I don’t know if Florida has a BVS. I suggest searching on Facebook. I bet you can get support for starting a group if needed from one of the groups in other locations. Good luck and keep me posted 😁

  1. Hey! Do you know of any online or elsewhere Black Vegan LGBTQIQA shops? I’m trying to get ready for school and support my people while doing it!

  2. Judy Marie Willis

    I recently relocated to Jackson, MS and want to establish a Black Vegetarian and Vegan Society of Mississippi. Do you know if one already exists?

    1. Judy Marie Willis, I don’t think there is. Check out groups on MeetUp to find others who would be interested. Be sure to let me know once you start up. I would love to help spread the world.

  3. Hello Ama, I am in transition from meat eater to vegetarian to vegan (4 months). I am looking for cooking classes and groups in the Pittsburgh PA. My research has lead me to this website. So glad I found it.
    Any information will be helpful. Thanks in advance

    1. Welcome Terri! I am glad you found us. I strive to help those like you who are making the transition. I hope you are on on our email list so you get all our latest recipes and article by email. I post on Wednesdays most week. Check out the New Vegetarian And Vegan resource page. Find others on the same path. Look in health food stores, meetups, or at vegetarian restaurants. Best of luck!

  4. Hi,

    My fiancee is a vegan and I am not. I want to prepare meals for him but I have a huge setback… I am allergic to all types of nuts. I am not sure how I can prepare meals for him and what are the alternatives?

    1. Ivy, I applaud your desire to prepare meals that your fiancee can eat. This is a great support for him. Is he eating mostly raw or does he also eat cooked vegan? Nuts are more common in raw diets, less so in cooked vegan. You can often substitute seeds for nuts. Try sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Another option is buckwheat, either sprouted and dehydrated or just as it is. Look for raw, unprocessed buckwheat. Look at the recipes here on Food For The Soul, there are many great recipes that you both will love. Then if you feel the need to add a meat component you can do that for yourself. When I am cooking for a mixed crowd I make sure the veggies are vegan, then what is my main dish becomes their side dish, such as a vegan pasta recipe.

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