VeganMoFo2013 Food Voyeurism And Vegan Junk Food

Vegan Junk Food

I feel a bit like I have been engaging in food porn. I am participating in VeganMoFo2013, the vegan month of food where vegan bloggers like myself post a blog each day for the month of September. I have been pleased with how it has been going for me. I have been posting a mix of recipes as well as posts about veganism, especially for new vegans.

Anyway, the VeganMoFo gang has created a Randomizer which allows you to randomly view the feeds from the bloggers. There are LOTS of bloggers. I am not sure how many.

I am reminded there is such a thing as vegan junk food. Just because it’s vegan doesn’t mean its good for you. I mean Oreos are vegan! So are french fries. Deep fried tofu is not a health food either. 


The point of all this is to remind us that our goal should be to fill our plates with minimally processed fresh fruits and vegetables. Cooking IS processing. Frying anything creates toxins our body doesn’t need. Sugar is addictive and unhealthy. You can be a fat vegan.

Nana Kwaku Opare and I are recommitting ourselves to eating all raw and I must admit some of these cooked recipes look awfully tempting! 


Fortunately there also many healthy and interesting recipes too. I have bookmarked some to go back to. 

To join in the food porn fun go to Use the arrow on the upper right corner to go to next blog.


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