How To Make Your New Year’s Resolution Last A Lifetime

The new year is for most people a time of out with the old and in with the new. It’s a time for new beginnings, resolutions and setting your sites on making the coming year better in some way.

If you’ve decided to up your diet and healthy lifestyle game this year you are certainly not alone. You’re in good company. Each year we move the needle forward a bit as we strive to optimize our diet and lifestyle. For us, now that we have our own kitchen, the year is about adapting our US style mostly raw and oil free diet to the realities of living in Tanzania.

The sad thing is that most people will have abandoned their resolutions within a few weeks or months because making lifestyle changes is hard work and many don’t know how to increase their chances of success. This doesn’t have to by your story.

In this video I share 5 steps you can take to help make sure your New Year’s resolution last a lifetime.

Even if you are only making small changes, these steps can help keep your resolution from fizzling out before February.

I’ve put together a free email mini-course to help you navigate around the challenges that can block your progress.

Join us for 5 Steps To Zap The Trouble Spots And Take Control.

Each day you’ll get one lesson. The lessons are quick and easy steps you can do in 15-30 minutes. By the end of the 5 days you’ll have a plan to navigate around your top temptation or bad habit.

At the end of this training you’ll have a powerful tool for staying consistent with your healthy diet.

Click here to sign up.

What is your plan for 2017? How are you going to make a step forward in your healthy lifestyle this year? Tell us in the comments below so we can help support you.

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