Say NO To Boring Vegan Food With Flavorful International Seasoning And Spices

Say NO to boring vegan food! There’s absolutely no reason healthy food needs to be boring. In an earlier video I talked about how to keep your meals exciting. One of the secrets I mentioned was incorporating International seasonings and spices.

I’ve always done my best to banish boring food from my kitchen, and moving here to Tanzania has opened my eyes to even more flavor filled options. New greens, like pumpkin greens, new fruits like passion fruit, new beans and grains, and new spice and seasoning combinations like Pilau.

In this week’s video I share 6 international seasoning combinations that can take vegan staples in your kitchen and turn them into satisfying flavor packed meals you’ll love to eat. They can work for you whether you are eating raw food or cooked!

You’ll learn about the seasonings and spices used in 1) different regions in Africa, 2) Chinese food, 3) Thai food, 4) Indian food, 5) Latin American food, and 6) Italian food. Once you learn the basics you can give them a try using one of the many international inspired recipes here at Food For The Soul.

Remember that you don’t need to spend a lot of money getting all the international ingredients. Start slowly, and gradually add more as you explore new recipes.

What’s your favorite flavor region? It’s hard for me to decide, but I think mine is Thai food, followed closely by Indian.

Ama Opare

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