The Blog
Education and Inspiration For The Vegan Food Revolution

7 Tips For Keeping Your Produce From Going Bad
Eating more fresh fruits and veggies is best. There’s no debate about that. But how do you keep all that fresh produce from going bad before you can eat it all? This is a question a FFTS reader asked me. I thought others might be wondering too. Here’s my top 7 tips that help me keep my kitchen stocked with healthy fruits and veggies without having it rot before I can eat it.

Imagine Yourself Whole & Healthy
Imagine! What would being Whole & Healthy look like and mean for your life? How will your plant-based diet and healthy lifestyle make a difference for you, your work, your family, etc? How will it help you be and do what you envision? In this video I walk you through the visioning/meditation practice I use

How To Stick To Your Healthy Lifestyle When Your Life Gets CRAZY!
What can you do when your life gets crazy busy or crazy stressful to help you stick to your healthy diet and lifestyle? Here’s 6 things to do to set yourself up for success or to get back on track when life get’s overwhelming.

7 EASY Ways To Eat More Raw Food
Adding more raw food to your diet doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are 7 EASY ways in eat more raw food to improve your health and lose weight. In the past I have tended towards the more gourmet raw food recipes. I have many such raw recipes here on this site. But I’m interested

The Power Of Connecting To Your Ancestors
Honoring and connecting to our Ancestors is an important tradition in many parts of Africa and amongst the African diaspora worldwide. We ARE our ancestors! In this Roots Of Wellness Part 5 video I explore how nurturing your connection to your ancestors can help you in your Whole & Healthy life. Wellness is more than

A Wellness/Food Journal – The # 1 Tool For Success
For many years I have advised my clients to start a Wellness/Food journal when they are trying to move to a new level in their healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s the #1 tool for helping you be successful. Maybe you are new to the plant-based lifestyle. Or maybe you now want to go raw. Or

What Wellness Isn’t
The wellness industry is BIG business. There is an ever growing selection of supplements, super foods, special diets, fancy tools, complicated systems that promise to promote wellness. This is what wellness isn’t! Wellness is your own hands when you align your life with nature and how we are designed to live. It isn’t about supplements.

Three Steps For Dealing With Emotional Eating
Emotional eating can be a problem when you are trying to eat healthy. It can throw you off track and back to your unhealthy eating and lifestyle choices. Here are the three things I’ve done to help me keep emotional eating from making me gain weight or fall completely off the wagon. This past few

Healthy Lifestyle Year End Review And Planning Guide
How would you rate your diet and lifestyle during 2021? Would you like to eat better and do better in 2022? This year is almost over and what is done is done! No doubt, once again, this past year has been challenging. It has brought so many struggles to the entire world. However, this is

The Most Important Part Of Becoming Healthy
Lately I’ve been on a bit of a rollercoaster. One minute I’m excited and pumped up about the work I’m doing. I’ve had a life-long drive to help build strong people. The work I’m doing with clients and the downloads I’m getting from spirit are both energizing and inspiring. I’m truly following spirit on this

Four Vegan Soup Recipes To Warm Your Soul
Soup is a warming comfort food especially during the cold months. There is something especially soothing and healing about soup. These four recipes are on regular rotation in my kitchen. They are easy and flavor full and packed with healthy ingredients. I have to admit I haven’t done a lot of creating new recipes of

The Key To Reclaiming Our Power
I woke up yesterday morning with a message in my heart. I turned on my camera and this poured out! I’ve had a number of experiences over the past few weeks that were weighing on me, as well as other experiences that brought me great joy. This video sums up my experience and observations about