The Blog
Education and Inspiration For The Vegan Food Revolution

Why Failures Are The Key To Sticking To Your Healthy Lifestyle
Failures are the key to your success in sticking to your healthy lifestyle. In this video I share how to turn your mistakes into the road map for reaching your Whole & Healthy lifestyle goals. I’ve been trying to make granola and last night I thought I had found the right recipe, but… I did

Traveling While Vegan: How I Find Vegan Food At Airports, On Planes, Or Road Trips
This month I traveled back to the states (again!) to meet my new granddaughter and to help out while my daughter recovers. In this video I’m sharing how I find vegan food at airports, on planes and while on road trips. I’ve done a lot of traveling while vegan since 2008. These are the techniques

The Truth About Getting Enough Protein As A Vegan (Stop Worrying!)
No matter if you’re new to the plant-based lifestyle or if you’ve been eating vegan for years there’s a strong likelihood that you may be concerned about protein. The media and even the vegan community certainly helps keep that worry front and center. In this video I’m sharing the truth about getting enough protein on a vegan diet or plant-based diet so you can stop worrying! I share what protein is, and why “complete” proteins and animal proteins are not what our bodies actually need or want.

My Experience 30 Days Eating ONLY Fruit
I just completed a 30 day Fruit Feast. During that time I ate only raw, ripe, sweet and juicy fruit. (Except one day when I added some kale to a smoothie. I explain why in the video.) I joined Mark Blake’s Friends and Family Fast for the second time because I enjoyed it so much

Stick To Your Healthy Vegan Diet When At Restaurant With Friends
You are a busy person. You have meetings and lunch dates and conferences. You enjoy going out with friends. And these things often involve going to a restaurant. When you’re committed to eating healthy it can be a challenge to navigate these situations. In this video I share tips and tools you can use to

5 Things I’ve Learned In My 65 Years That Help Me Stick To My Healthy Lifestyle
5 things I’ve learned in my 65 years that help me stick to my healthy diet and lifestyle. These mindset shifts have helped me take charge of my life rather than having life be in charge of me. This healing, this harmony, this wholeness has made it possible for me to stick to my vegan diet and Whole & Healthy lifestyle regardless of what is going on around me.

Decolonizing Nutrition To Make Sense Of It All
Why “Decolonizing”? Because the information being promoted and what many of us believe about health, wellness, and nutrition has been distorted and corrupted by the same modern, Eurocentric view that plagues most everything.

Finding My Way To Wholeness
The struggle to consistently live our lives in a meaningful and healthy way is real. There are so many things that are pushing and pulling us to eat poorly, work too hard, and ignore our own needs. Even when we know better! We are stressed out, bombarded by 24/7 negative messaging, pressured by our family,

Healing With Fruit: Interview with DJ Mark Blake The Snake
Have you ever heard of a fruitarian? That’s someone who eats only or mostly fruit. But is it safe? In this interview with my friend DJ Mark Blake The Snake, he talks about his healing journey from disease to health through a vegan and eventually to a mostly fruitarian diet. Find out about his 30 Day

Showing Up Powerfully For Yourself
Habari za situ nyingi? How are you after these many days? I have been traveling, learning, creating and planning. I traveled back to the states for the second time this year, this time to visit with my daughters and my now two year old grandson. Being in the states is always hard for me, I

5 Reasons Why People Quit Being Vegan
As I’m talking to clients, followers and friends I sometimes hear stories about why they quit being vegan. Often they know that eating plant based is in their best interest. They WANT to stick to a healthy whole-food, plant-based lifestyle. But something is blocking the way. Here are 5 reasons I hear about why they

Why Loving Yourself Is Key To Your Wellness Journey
Loving Yourself is key to your wellness journey because it gives you the power to stay true to your convictions and stick to your healthy diet and lifestyle. In this video I share why self love is important, why we may feel like we are not “enough,” and how to nurture and deepen our appreciation