what is the ANDI score

What Is The ANDI Score?

Many people are concerned about getting the nutrients they need. We are designed to get our nutrients from our food. That means we need to consume foods that provide those nutrients. But how do you know which foods you should eat? ANDI Scores can help guide you. So what is the ANDI score?

ANDI stands for “Aggregate Nutrient Density Index.” An ANDI score shows the nutrient density of a food on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content. ANDI scores are calculated by evaluating an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities.

ANDI Scores were developed by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a physician that advocates whole food, plant-based diets for health and healing. It has been adopted by Whole Foods and can be seen on labels in the produce section. He has recently revised and updated the guide in his book Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI  Food Scoring Guide.

Notice on the chart below that foods that are highest on the ANDI scale are things such as kale, collard greens, lettuce and other leafy green vegetables. These also happen to be foods that are low-fat and high fiber. You may be surprised to learn that foods that are typically thought of is high in nutrients such as dairy products and meat products are actually rather low on the ANDI Scale. The items that have the lowest ANDI Score are highly processed and denatured things such as sugar and flour and items such as that.

ANDIScoreSo, to get the most out of your food and to get the vitamins and minerals that you need in your diet, choose foods that are high on the ANDI scale. This is the best way to get your vitamins and nutrients and minerals.

What do you think? How are you doing at getting the nutrients you need?

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