fresh raw almond milk

Fresh Raw Almond Milk

For several years now I have been telling students in our healthy eating classes that I should make my own almond milk. That I had heard how easy it was to make fresh raw almond milk. But somehow I just never gave it a try. However a recipe I wanted to make called for almond pulp left over from making almond milk. So I broke down and did it! Now I am making this recipe regularly to use in hot cocoa, in chia porridge and more.

Your own fresh almond milk will taste so much better than the store bought variety you won’t want to go back! I often put the almonds in my high-speed blender at night and let them soak right there. Then all I have to do is drain the water, add fresh water and blend. Try it with other nuts or seeds too.


Fresh Raw Almond Milk
Prep time
Total time
You won't want to use store bought almond milk once you taste this and see how easy it is to make.
Recipe type: Beverage
Cuisine: Raw Food
Serves: 4-6 servings
  • 1 cup raw almonds, soaked in water overnight or for 8 hours
  • 3 cups filtered water or young coconut water or a combination of the two
Optional Add-ins
  • 2-4 pitted Medjool dates (soak in water if they are hard)
  • ½ to 1 whole vanilla bean, chopped (or ½-1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla powder)
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • pinch of Himalayan crystal salt
  1. Drain and rinse the nuts.
  2. Place them in a high speed blender and blend on high for 60 seconds or so, until there are no chunks of nuts.
  3. Place a nut milk bag or cheese cloth in a large bowl or pitcher.
  4. Pour milk into the bag or cloth.
  5. Squeeze the bag or cloth until all the milk is in the bowl/pitcher and you are left with just the nut pulp in the bag.
  6. Save the pulp for other recipes. (You can dehydrate or freeze it if you won't be using it right away.)
  7. Pour milk into a jar with a tight fitting lid.
  8. Keep in refrigerator.
  9. Shake well before using.
  10. Use within 5 days.
Depending on how you plan to use the milk you may want to go further.
  1. To take it to the next level add one or more of the optional ingredients to the blender along with the nuts.


I would love to hear your versions, or how you use your fresh raw almond milk. Leave a comment and share the knowledge.

Ama Opare
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5 thoughts on “Fresh Raw Almond Milk”

  1. Pingback: How To Make Vegan Almond Milk – Food For The Soul

  2. I finally made some almond milk and it’s so much better than store bought, thank you for the recipe. Do you have any tips on what to do with the pulp?

  3. Hi Ama,
    I love to use fresh almond milk in my green smoothies in the mornings. It gives the smoothies an extra depth, especially if you have already sweetened the almond milk with dates and vanilla bean. It’s so quick to make the almond milk, and it lasts in the refrigerator for several days. It’s easy, quick, and nutritious.

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