Ama Opare

Helping you go from self-sabotage to taking control. From mealtime boredom to loving what you eat. From being tempted by all the wrong choices to making the right decisions. And from being sick and tired to living a vibrant and Whole & Healthy life.

How to Start Strong: The First Stage of Transforming Your Diet and Lifestyle

The first stage in the process of transforming your diet and lifestyle is what I call Awakening. You are awakening to the truth that the standard American diet and the medical system is not the path to creating the life you desire. Congratulations! You are among the few who refuse to go down the typical

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Traveling While Vegan: How I Find Vegan Food At Airports, On Planes, Or Road Trips

This month I traveled back to the states (again!) to meet my new granddaughter and to help out while my daughter recovers. In this video I’m sharing how I find vegan food at airports, on planes and while on road trips. I’ve done a lot of traveling while vegan since 2008. These are the techniques

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The Truth About Getting Enough Protein As A Vegan (Stop Worrying!)

No matter if you’re new to the plant-based lifestyle or if you’ve been eating vegan for years there’s a strong likelihood that you may be concerned about protein. The media and even the vegan community certainly helps keep that worry front and center. In this video I’m sharing the truth about getting enough protein on a vegan diet or plant-based diet so you can stop worrying! I share what protein is, and why “complete” proteins and animal proteins are not what our bodies actually need or want.

The Truth About Getting Enough Protein As A Vegan (Stop Worrying!) Read More »